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Baba Kwasi

To be uncomfortable about hearing, telling or searching for the truth is to live a lie based on fear and ignorance.

Traditions, customs, language, beliefs and perceptions of people are like the components of an orchestra.  You have to understand how the instrument is played in order to produce a symphony".

Inspiration is like the sun that lights up the world, giving energy and life to all that it reaches.   Inspiration ignites an inner joy and enthusiasm that propels self confidence and the courage to believe and achieve.  The light and energy from an inspiring person, music that touches the soul, or being in the presence of an inspirational place or view can lift the spirit and radiate through all who are open to recognize and receive it.

You can eat from the same loaf but you don't have to eat the same slice.  Understanding and directing individual and collective rolls and responsibilities in business, personal and community relations comes easier when everyone is focused on their slice, knowing that each bite contributes to the loaf of success.

We are not a consumer of time.  Time is one thing you cannot buy.  Value the time of others.  Most important, value the time you lived and the lessons learned from those who lived before you.  Value your time here and now.  No other can or will do it better than you.  Your best tomorrow rest upon the value you place on your time today. 

Stress is like a nail in the seat we sit on. The longer we sit, the longer we feel the pain. Don't be afraid to move off the nail and don't think you're suppose to sit on it. If so, it would not hurt.

Disparity of the heart comes when we seek what was never lost.

It is difficult indeed when a Duck, although a bird, lives amongst Chickens and tries to Cluck.  The Duck forgets to fly high.  The Duck forgets to harmonize itself with nature and fly south when the seasons change.  The Duck forgets the cleansing and nourishment it receives from the watery ponds, lakes and streams.   Eventually the Duck Quacks up, yet the desire to Quack, not Cluck, is the nature of the Duck.  It is the nature of the Duck to fly high and see the big picture, not fly low and running on only earthly views of obstacles and fences of limitations...Know Thyself.

What is not held as sacred becomes desecrated by those who seek (knowing or unknowingly) to destroy the light.

Clinging to the roots of African culture based solely on the land called Africa is not enough to sustain survival. We must be conscious of Africans all over the world and unite spiritually, economically and politically; recognizing that the common thread of our survival is our history, culture and the spiritual nature expressed in our culture.

Future is the end result of past made manifest in the present.

The Elder must teach to the young and hear their voice. The wisdom of the elder means nothing if you cannot relate to the young. If you loose your young, you loose the future.

The growth and development of a fruit tree is not determined by the number of rain drops or amount of light it receives, but through the fruits it bares.

Achieve, Inspire, Motivate
(A.I.M. High)

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